Sunday, February 22, 2009

Penny Report

The green indoor-outdoor apartment stair carpet is not always trip-free after a weekend of visitors. This weekend it was an impromptu charm bracelet or a Miro or a Klee all the way down three flights and out the door. A pinata had broken somewhere, it's happy owner not knowing that all the way out, small plastic trinkets mixed with crepe paper and candy were trailing through, and into the snow. Near this living, charming snow painting lay a penny--maybe gravity had also had its way on the pinata's cashola. So that was one wet penny.

The penny before this one sat by the molding under the Goodwill counter. Gave it to the cashier.


  1. that's hilarious. My kitchen is a Miro.

    If you look for a vinyl album of mine in your collection, you will find Erik Satie, the cover of which is the Miro you have posted. It was given to me by the piano teacher who lived in the apt. by Janoses, but I forget her name.

  2. P.S. my kitchen, a Miro, because we pulled out my junk drawer and had some fun organizing it. I only mention this because someone found a penny and put it in her mouth and would NOT spit it out. And it wasn't me!

  3. Judy Walters, and, uhoh, no eating pennies. :o)

  4. I'm so curious, aunt e - do you read Annie Dillard? There is something so cool about your writing and it reminds me of her! Or maybe she reminds me of you... :-)

  5. Actually, I haven't. But I understand we admire some of the same writers. :o)
